We invite you to join our group page and activity days. We are currently meeting up fortnightly .
This group page is a place to share events for children, and to ask questions that are homeschool related. There will be no judgment.
SHEN – Sydney Home Education Network
This group’s main focus is to allow socialisation of our children whilst supporting them in a natural environment at regular meets; and through sharing of thoughts, questions, resources and events
This is a group for parents, families, and carers who home school, distance education, in the process or just inquiring. It is a group to help connect, support, and share
Activities, meetups and sharing of resources for those home educating Highschoolers on the northern beaches & north side of Sydney (inc. DE).
This group hopes to be a little haven from all the Covid denial around us. We provide a virtual space for Sydney families who are shielding from Covid to plan