SHEN – Sydney Home Education Network
Last updated 1 November 2021. This document replaces all previous versions.
The SHEN Code of Conduct applies at all SHEN Events.
Aggressive conduct, verbal or physical threats, abuse, shouting, harassment and any other unreasonable behaviour, from any SHEN member, will not be tolerated. The member will be given a warning. If unreasonable behaviour continues, their SHEN membership will be cancelled and they will no longer be welcome to attend SHEN events.
1.1 The Sydney Home Education Network (SHEN) is a support group for its home educating members, living in the Greater Sydney area. Members pay an annual membership fee, which entitles them to access information on the SHEN website, including details of events organised by the SHEN committee and fellow SHEN members;
1.2 The SHEN committee organises regular events each year (SHEN event) for school aged children, accompanied by parents or caregivers, who are at least eighteen years of age.
The purpose of these SHEN events is to give children of primary and secondary school age, access to educational presentations across a broad range of learning areas for a minimal cost.
Pre-school aged children are also welcome to attend SHEN events, at no cost, unless specified otherwise and provided they do not cause disruption to the event or presentation;
1.3 This Code of Conduct (the Code) has been prepared for the guidance of people attending a SHEN event. It has been developed through feedback received from event presenters, SHEN members and their children.
The Code assumes that members, and pending members, who apply to attend a SHEN event, have read and understood the conditions of attendance as set out in the event notification;
1.4 Parents/caregivers attending a SHEN event must sign the attendance register, thereby acknowledging that they have understood and will abide by the Code.
2.1 If a parent/caregiver leaves the event/presentation venue, they will nominate on the attendance register a supervisor, who is at least eighteen years of age, to take responsibility for their children. The supervisor will also be required to sign the register;
2.2 Parents/caregivers and nominated supervisors will supervise their children to ensure their safety and will encourage their children to behave with respect for all venue property and persons present;
2.3 In particular, parents/caregivers and nominated supervisors will:
3.1 Pre-schoolers (unless specified otherwise) may watch the presentation with school aged children, and may sit with them; and
3.2 All persons present will ensure that they and any children for whom they are responsible will:
4.1 For SHEN events at hired venues, parents/caregivers and nominated supervisors, in addition to the above commitments, will ensure that they:
5.1 SHEN reserves the right to deny entry to any person to a SHEN event, and to request a person to leave an event due to misconduct;
5.2 Efforts are made to ensure SHEN events are suitable for the advertised audience, but SHEN is not responsible for the content or quality of any material presented;
5.3 The SHEN Committee reserves the right to amend the Code at any time, and will notify its members by email when amendments are made.