SHEN – Sydney Home Education Network

After the Flood Performance: Sydney Opera House

Sydney Opera House, Bennelong Point, Sydney Benelong Point, Sydney, NSW, Australia

SHEN have been offered a unique opportunity for our student members to attend the Opera House Friday, 20 May 2022 at 12.30pm The team at the Opera House Creative Learning have a FREE in-progress showing of a performance they are developing called ‘After the Flood’. The performance is suitable for students in Years 2-6 (ages […]


Sydney Science Trail Excursion (grade3-6)

Botanical Gardens, Sydney , Australia

Sydney Science Trail Excursion: We have a group booked for the  Sydney Science Trail for primary (grade 3-6) students on Wednesday Aug 17th.  WHAT: Celebrate National Science Week with your school at the annual Sydney Science Trail, returning live and onsite at the Australian Museum and Royal Botanic Garden Sydney this August. Now in its […]


Sewing Class

Weekly sewing classes for home schoolers are being run again in term 4 by Kids Inspired at Kirrawee. There are still places available in the Monday, 9:30-10:30 am class. Classes are aimed at ages 7 and above (kids will be using sewing machines, fabric scissors etc.). A 9 week term is $165 (creative kids vouchers […]
