SHEN – Sydney Home Education Network

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Fizzics Education Science Workshops Term1 at Marrickville

February 21 @ 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

Fizzics Education Science Workshops at Marrickville are back in Term1

Day & Dates: Tuesdays

7 and 21 Feb

7 and 21 March


Seniors (11 to 14 yr olds) from 11 am to 12:30 pm

Juniors (6 to 10 yr olds) from 1 pm to 2 pm

Planned workshops for Stage 4 plus (11 to 14 year olds) are:

  1. CSI forensics
  2. Light & color
  3. Medlab electronics (beginner)
  4. Medlab electronics (intermediate)

Please Refer to the links above for what each workshop covers, outcomes and curriculum links

For Juniors the same workshops are tailored to their level. You can use the outcomes and curriculum links for primary from Fizzics website.


Depends on numbers. Initial cost for the 4 sessions (no partial registration – please do not ask) is

Seniors: $120

Juniors: $96

Payment due: 31/01/2017

Please email me directly for payment details by the 24/01. I need to make sure we have enough students to run these workshops.

The cost of hiring Fizzics is the same whether we have one child or 30! The more children we have the lower the cost per child. So please spread the word to those who might be interested in science workshops.

