SHEN – Sydney Home Education Network

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Roots and Shoots workshop – online

October 22 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Hello, I am a home educating parent of three children, my eldest is now a young adult. I recently discovered the work of the Jane Goodall Institute Australia and wanted to work alongside and volunteer with them as an environmental educator.

I wanted to let you know about some of the great, curriculum-aligned resources that are available free through Jane Goodall’s Roots and Shoots program. Roots and Shoots was founded by Dr Jane in 1991 and since then has grown to be a global movement of people who want to make a difference for animals, people and the environment.


They have just released a free resource box for educators (including home educators) that provides books and activities for primary school students. You can sign up here for the free books . They will be sent to you
at the end of October.

There are three upcoming workshops that discuss ideas for how you might use the resources in your teaching:

· Thurs Oct 15, 4pm:-

· Thurs Nov 19, 4pm:

· Thurs Dec 10, 4pm:

If you are interested in learning more about other Roots and Shoots activities, the NSW State Coordinator K-lynn Smith (bio below) has offered to speak via Zoom with home educating families to let us know what resources and programs are available through the Jane Goodall Institute Australia.

We’re aiming to set up a meeting in the second week of Term 4 Thursday 22 October at 4pm and maybe another later in the year.
Please let us know if you are interested and we can add you to an email list and can send you the Zoom invitation.

WHEN: Thursday 22 October 2020 4pm

WHERE: On Zoom (an invite will be sent to you via email)

RSVP: (I can add you to an email list to
update you about the next Zoom (or one later in the year), but may not
have time to answer all queries. We will make time for Q and A in the
Zoom. Thank you.)

Sophia Platthy and K-lynn Smith

” I do believe in the possibility of a world where we can live in harmony with nature. But only if every one of us does our part to make that world a reality.” ~ Jane Goodall

Here’s a little more about the organisation:

The Jane Goodall Institute Australia (JGIA), founded in 2007, is an Australian non-profit and registered environmental organisation.
JGIA’s philosophy is centered on the inter-connectedness of Animals, People and the Environment (APE) and our Purpose is to “inspire actions that connect people with animals and our shared environment.

JGIA’s Roots & Shoots Program empowers young Australians and equips them with the tools, motivation and support they need to address the problems that matter most to them. JGIA creates an ever-expanding network of Australians, connected with their global counterparts, who are inspired to be change-making global citizens. Roots & Shoots
members can apply for a mini grant to fund their projects.


K-Lynn Smith

Roots & Shoots New South Wales State Coordinator Dr K-lynn Smith is a researcher who is interested in the welfare of animals and people. She has worked on animal behaviour and communication as well as on human neuroscience. She received her Bachelor of Science from the University of Maryland, College Park. As an undergraduate, she studied how neotropical bats use ultrasonic signals for individual recognition. Her thesis research for her Master of Science degree from George Mason University examined the function
of ‘yodelling’ in a North American diving bird. She received her Doctor of Philosophy from Macquarie University where her thesis on multimodal signalling in fowl earned the Vice Chancellor’s Commendation. In conjunction with her collaborator, Chris Evans, she
received the 2010 Australian Museum Eureka Prize for Scientific Research that Contributes to Animal Protection.
