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Highschool “Introduction to Australian Government Program” Program 4th February-26th March 2019

February 4 @ 11:30 am - 1:00 pm

Highschool “Introduction to Australian Government Program” Program 4th February-26th March 2019
To Book: email Yvette by 1st February 2019

Please provide your HEA membership number and expiry at the time of booking, and advise us of any allergies or other useful info, thanks!

What: Australian Government 101
This course is about the structure and function of the Australian Government, NOT about politics. We won’t be engaging in political discussion in class, but focus on all things government.
Who: High school-aged students
Students don’t necessarily have to be teens – you know your kids, if you think they’re interested and old enough send them along. As a rough idea, ages 12 and up, but others welcome.
Time: Tuesdays 11.40am – 1.10pm
Dates: 8 weeks, from 5th February – 26th March, inclusive (plus optional Canberra trip)
Where: Mid Mountains Neighbourhood Centre, Lawson, Small Meeting Room
Cost: $108 HEA members / $116 non-members (this covers insurance through the HEA)
Canberra trip has additional costs.

Introduction to Australian Government
Do you want to rule the world?!?! Or at least know how to make sure your vote counts? Join Yvette to learn about the workings of the Australian Government.
This will be a hands-on group, with plenty of practical activities and guided discussions. Student notes will be provided, along with a list of all the Curriculum Outcomes covered, and suggestions for further activities and resources.
There will also be bonus visits from real, live politicians!
Ms Susan Templeman, Federal Member for Macquarie will be meeting with us to talk about her role in government (during course hours, exact date tbc pending parliamentary sitting dates). Mr Chris Van der Kley (Deputy Mayor and Ward 2 representative, Blue Mountains City Council) will also be joining us during week 4 to talk about his role and that of the local council. It is possible Ms Trish Doyle will also be able to join us, but she’s not currently taking bookings, until after the state election.

Week 1 (5th February): Magical mystery tour: Government around the world and through the ages.
Do we need a government? What function does government serve? What types of government are there, have there been, and might there be? What is democracy? How can it work? Who gets a say?

Week 2 (12th February): Once upon a time… The how, what and why of the Australian Government
How did Federation come to happen? Why does our government look like it does? And just what does it look like, exactly?

Week 3 (19th February): That’s an awful lot of Government, for one small nation…
Why so much? What is each tier each actually responsible for? And what does it all have to do with checks and balances?

Week 4 (26th February): Let’s get to the point: legislature, bills and laws.
How do the different tiers of government do their mandated job and make our laws?

Week 5 (5th March): I am the Government, I have the poooweeerrr!!! Mwahahaha!!!
But wait, where does the power really lie? Look closer at the different roles in our government (particularly the Queen, G-G, Prime Minister, Premiers and Ministers), the influence of the party system, and other influential groups and individuals (unions, lobbyists, donors, etc).
Week 5 (5th March), Evening Extra: Blue Mountains Council meets every fourth Tuesday, so if I’ve counted correctly, there should also be a council meeting this week, the 5th of March. Join me at 7.15pm out the front of the council offices, Civic Pl, Katoomba. Meeting starts 7.30 in the Council Chambers.

Week 6 (12th March): What about meeeeee? I thought this was a democracy!?
All you never knew you wanted to know about voting, elections and how Government is formed, as well as all the different ways to have your say.

Week 7 (19th March): Nope, no, definitely not. I’m telling you, that totally needs fixing.
What happens when we want to make changes to the Government itself? A look into the Constitution and referendums, via republics and representation.
{23rd March – NSW state election}

Week 8 (26th March): But I want to play, too!!!
Let’s look to the future, and dream big! What changes would you like to see? How realistic are they? Do you think it’s best to work inside the system for change, or change the system itself? What are your ideas for Australian Government of the future?

Last week of Term 1 in NSW and ACT (proposed dates 3rd – 6th April, tbc): Canberra Excursion
There will also be an optional and highly informal Canberra trip to coincide with this workshop series. Bookings will be taken separately and will be open to the wider homeschool community. A few families will be heading to Canberra, and you’re welcome to join us! School group bookings are planned subject to sufficient numbers. More information coming soon! Tentative bookings have been made, if you think you might be interested, fill out the form here: Asap! Thanks!

Yvette Munro enrolled in a combined Arts/Science degree program way back in the late 90’s, but was eventually lured away from the Arts part and graduated with a plain old BSc a few years later. Her foray into the arts did however leave her with not only a couple of really odd minors for a science graduate, but also a lasting interest in Australian systems of government, not to mention a firm belief we are burdened with one tier of government too many.
Her dreams of becoming a professional student may have fallen through with the advent of children, but Yvette remains passionate learner nevertheless. The large number of random courses she’s enrolled in throughout the years can attest to that.
Yvette also remains equally passionate about supporting others in their own learning opportunities, having moved on from reading stories to the kindly kids at lunchtime in primary school, to being employed as a lab Tutor to a second year cell biology course at Sydney Uni. Her illustrious teaching career continued with running adult education classes and antenatal hospital classes with the Australian Breastfeeding Association (with whom she was also a counsellor) in Sydney, running collegia on various topics historical at medieval festivals, and later with leadership training through Scouts Australia, becoming accredited for the role of Joeys leader (now retired). As such, she has a valid Working With Children check, and ever-so-slightly out of date First Aid (Provide First Aid / Provide First Aid in a Remote Location) certificates.
Unsurprisingly, Yvette homeschools her five children, now aged 6, 10, 12, 13 and 14, while trying to decide what to learn next and who she can share it with. And plotting world domination, of course.

Booking information:
Unfortunately we do not have the resources to offer refunds so please read the workshop description carefully before choosing.
